Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Liberty Print Smock Dress (TV Ted)

This is the fourth time that I've used Machiko Kayaki's dress patterns.
I like the simplicity of her designs but, as there are no models in her books wearing the final garments, it is difficult to judge how they will come out.
The size 9 dress I made was initially too wide and baggy, just like a bad 'sack' dress. So I decided to make it smaller, 4cm in width and 28cm off its length.
I made a pair of knickers from the remnants.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

École de Simon

Since leaving École de Simon about 20 years ago the process of making dolls, using this particular technique, alone and without any input or advice from experienced doll-makers has proven to be a challenge and, as a result, I often lack the confidence to complete my work.

So during the summer, while I was in Tokyo for a lengthy visit, I decided to return to École de Simon for just a few days to receive some constructive criticism from my old masters. This turned out to be a very helpful experience as I learnt some new techniques and had a chance to see other people making dolls, including a friend I’d not seen in a long time.

I wish I could find a similar environment in England.

This doll will be 54cm tall.